Thank you

This blog is dedicated to those individuals who chose me to be a part of their family. I thank them for making it possible for the memories to write this blog. I commend them for creating the memories that gave me the strength to express myself through writing. Most of all, I am grateful to be able to share my experience with my readers.

Without my past, there would be nothing to share

To my children:
You are my loved ones, my babies. You are the three best blessings that God could have given me. I love you and am thankful for your support and shoulders through everything

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Search Begins

Today I decided to begin my quest to make a connection with my birth family. Why, I do not know, it just was one of those days.

I pulled out my original birth certificate, the newspaper article of my birth mother's death, and the obituary article of the man she was  with when they were found dead.

After careful review of all 3 items, I found information that I was overlooking for several years now. Helpful information that can get me started on what might be called opening Pandora's Box. But inquiring minds finally need to know.

I decided to stop talking about my adopted past and focus on my birth past. This is not only for me but also for my children as well. My daughter, Aaleyah, has been helping me research. She is twelve but found what I failed to find in the past when I tried once before.
She found a connection and from there, it begins!

So today begins my first day of connections. I am not looking for anything other than information and whatever happens from there will be up to God.

After 3 phone calls, 2 of which were positive conversations and 1 no answer, we already have made a connection with Seaford, Delaware and Miesha R. "ME"!
First call was to the deceased gentleman's brother K.C., who was ten at the time, now in late 40s. He was very informative and is going to call me after he does some research on my behalf. Through our conversation, I found out that my grandfather owned a store in Seaford and they called him "Muddy Waters", he is deceased as well though. Hmmmm the only Muddy Waters I know was from Cadillac Records. Aaleyah also looked him up and found a singer/musician, which is probably the same one that I know from the movie. So Im sure it was not that Muddy Waters. Anyway, Mr. K. C. will be getting back to me with as much information as he can find out.

Second call was to a woman in her 90s (per information on the world wide wonderful web), but there was no answer, after the 12th ring, a beeping answering machine came on. That tells me that the world wide web is probably accurate on the age. I say this because most elderly do not like these new technology voicemails, no disrespect to anyone. But if years and numbers are right, she could be my great grandmother! Her name is Ms J. R.

Third call was to a lady, C.R., who is in her 40s, per the woman who answered her phone to give the message. The woman said that C.R is in her 40s and either was not born at the time or was very young, but her older siblings may have information. C.R. could be my Aunt hmmm. The very nice lady listened to what I had to say, wrote down some names that I gave her, and said she would relay the message and finished with what I needed to hear "God Bless You".

My feelings:
First Call
very nervous, shaking, and emotional

Second Call
still nervous, emotional, a little excited

Third Call
less nervous, less emotional, ready for information

Let's see what tomorrow holds, I am kind of anxious for a phone call.
All I can say is the Search Begins!!!!!!!

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