Thank you

This blog is dedicated to those individuals who chose me to be a part of their family. I thank them for making it possible for the memories to write this blog. I commend them for creating the memories that gave me the strength to express myself through writing. Most of all, I am grateful to be able to share my experience with my readers.

Without my past, there would be nothing to share

To my children:
You are my loved ones, my babies. You are the three best blessings that God could have given me. I love you and am thankful for your support and shoulders through everything

Friday, June 3, 2016

Family No More

There are close bonds,  family reunions, family holiday gatherings,  family dinners, family vacations,  and family day outings.  Families talk for hours on the phone to catch up,  laugh, reminisce,  and to check on their loved ones.

But when you are adopted into a family that has all of that,  where do you really fit in if you are living a lie???

For years I had the talks,  reunions,  gatherings,  outings,  etc.  All without knowing that I was adopted.  It took a real "family vacation" to find out I was living a lie.  This type  of vacation was the adopters "away" while I was left at home with my adopters son and foster daughter as my sitters.

Because of how I found out I was adopted,  my adulthood family gatherings seemed to be different. I tried to give my children the real family values that I felt I didn't get to experience fairly.

Either way it turned into an epic fail.  I lived in an abusive marriage to their father but thought I had to stay in it because of my children.  I woke every day with a fake face to ensure they felt that this is what family should be- TOGETHER.  Not realizing that it was hurting my family more than helping it.

I refused to let my children live a lie,  no matter the reason. Because of personal experience,  I believe all children should know, at the age ability to understanding, about any family secrets.  Could be because of adoption,  because of abuse (mental and physical)  pretending that it is normal  , being embezzlement rich growing up,  etc.

  • Living a lie that you were unaware of is DECEITful! 
  • And that right there is what created my "FAMILY NO MORE ".
  • I found out that I was "Adopted into Deceit"!

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