Thank you

This blog is dedicated to those individuals who chose me to be a part of their family. I thank them for making it possible for the memories to write this blog. I commend them for creating the memories that gave me the strength to express myself through writing. Most of all, I am grateful to be able to share my experience with my readers.

Without my past, there would be nothing to share

To my children:
You are my loved ones, my babies. You are the three best blessings that God could have given me. I love you and am thankful for your support and shoulders through everything

Friday, December 30, 2011

No Big Brother of Mine

Having a big brother is suppose to be like having a bodyguard. I had just the opposite. My "BIG BROTHER" was like having a neighbor that you knew lived in the house down the street and said "hi" to every once and a while.My adopted brother was never a protector for me, instead he was just the opposite. He would protect his car or his game before he even thought about his suppose to be little sister.

I remember when I was seventeen and was hanging out on, what we called, the strip in town and I ran into one of my brother's "Best" friends.  
Best friend, as in he was like a brother to me, 
he was always at our house hanging around, 
eating our food, drinking our drinks, 
and utilizing our space as if 
he lived there sometimes. 
Anyway, I said "Hey" and gave him a hug, just like I would do any other time when he came to our house, but this time, he responded differently then he normally would. He actually tried to embrace me in an uncomfortable way, causing me to push away from him. He commented that I looked good and invited me and my friends up to his apartment above the store we was standing in front of. I got scared and told my friends it was time to move on. We left the strip and went back to my girlfriends house and I called my "Big Brother" What a joke!!!! He responded, "Aww man that's crazy, he's retarded." That was it. THAT WAS ALL HE HAD TO SAY!!!. So I decided that wasn't good enough. I went to my brother's other best friend's house, whom I called one of my god brothers and told him what happened. He was so pissed, he got together with my actual god brother that was also my brother's best friend. (hope it all is coming together for you readers). The two of them went to the best friend that made me uncomfortable and confronted him and told him that he better not ever even look at me in any kind of way or there will be consequences. They reminded him that I am like a little sister to them all and should be treated as such, no matter the age that I become. I saw him months later and he apologized, but it was never the same for me after that.

The point of this is: My brother could not stand up for me as my BIG BROTHER. It took two of his friends to stand up for me like they were my big brothers to show I had support. Situation would arise that my brother was never there for me as a big brother, this was just one. I could go into a more disrespecting time when I was age eleven to twelve, involving a male cousin from another state that would come to visit in the summer, but some things I want to remain in the past for now. Or the time a neighborhood high school boy, my brother's age, was hitting me and throwing things at me in the park every time he saw me. My BIG BROTHER never confronted the boy even when I would come home crying. Oh but he did end up beating him up one day for talking bad about his girlfriend.

For some reason when I look back on these events, I feel that he never cared too much for me being his little adopted sister and did not want me around. However, I have heard a story about when I was a baby, there was a fire in the house and he had me wrapped in a towel and ran out the house with me in his arms. Awwww how sweet! I wonder what happened to that side of him when I started walking and talking???? From what I remember about him, he was definitely No Big Brother of Mine!

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