Thank you

This blog is dedicated to those individuals who chose me to be a part of their family. I thank them for making it possible for the memories to write this blog. I commend them for creating the memories that gave me the strength to express myself through writing. Most of all, I am grateful to be able to share my experience with my readers.

Without my past, there would be nothing to share

To my children:
You are my loved ones, my babies. You are the three best blessings that God could have given me. I love you and am thankful for your support and shoulders through everything

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Truth Be Told

It's funny how running into people from my past controls my present emotional rollercoaster in regards to being "Adopted Into Deceit".

Summertime brings people out like flies being released from maggot form when air hits them.

This summer of 2017 brought out a fly that I haven't seen since I was 18 years old and haven't spoken to on the phone since 2013.

Before age 18
He was a part of my family as an in-law, but was a part of my heart as a father figure to me and some would say more so than to his own child (his first born son). I went everywhere with him and my "sister". Even though she would say no to me, he would say yes.

Losing touch
As the saying went in our "code of honor" family, "If I'm not talking to someone than no one in the household talks to that person either". Well after my "sister's" brief marriage with him, we lost touch. That lost turned into days, weeks, months, and of course years.

Phone contact 2013
Thanks to the great social media site Facebook, I was able to give my number to his sister for him to contact me. We spoke briefly a few times on the phone but it was always brief. And of course life events caused us to lose touch once again; phone numbers changed, moving from the area, relationship and family focus, jobs, etc.

Summer 2017
Because I live in a state that it really is "A Small World", you meet people through people that know people. It just so happened that my fiance knew a very important contact for me- one of my ex brother in law's sons! I knew about him but never knew him until coming into contact through my fiance. And it just so happened that my ex brother in-law was in town visiting him and the rest of his family for a few days!!

His son took me to meet up with him for our "reunion" which turned out to be more than I expected. I saw not only him, but his sister, his dad, uncle, other family members, and his fiance. It was a great reunion to see people that were still genuine to me that I hadn't seen in years.

After our reminiscing moments, he and I had a chance to talk in private about life's changes. I told him about my adoption findings and to my surprise he was even more surprised that I didn't know as a child.

His exact words were "I thought you knew, your "sister" told me years ago. I'm so sorry that you didn't know and I feel bad because I knew, thinking you knew all those years".

I am not mad at him, he had no clue of the deception in my immediate family. Also it was not his responsibility to reveal it to me, no matter how much I looked up to him or he thought of me.

I really was the last to know. My true identity was revealed to everyone but me by people who claimed to be my "parents", "siblings", "aunts", "uncles", and some older "cousins". 

This makes me question one thing:
Is this the reason that the "Code of Honor" existed in my adopters household??? I wonder if they thought their cover would be blown by the people they had petty YEARS long arguments with. Did they think they would be deceived by Truth Be Told enemies?

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