Thank you

This blog is dedicated to those individuals who chose me to be a part of their family. I thank them for making it possible for the memories to write this blog. I commend them for creating the memories that gave me the strength to express myself through writing. Most of all, I am grateful to be able to share my experience with my readers.

Without my past, there would be nothing to share

To my children:
You are my loved ones, my babies. You are the three best blessings that God could have given me. I love you and am thankful for your support and shoulders through everything

Friday, August 18, 2017

Dear Diary

Now that I have all of my wheels turning in my brain, the reality of my life has turned the light bulb on Image result for idea light bulb

I am starting to put my book together and as I stated previously, I have the cover ready. I now know the style that I want to put the book into publication.

Image result for book light bulb image

How many people had a diary growing up in the 70s, 80s, even 90s??? 
I know I did, as well as my cousins and friends!
Image result for mom read my diary
How many people had their diary compromised by a parent, sibling, family member, or friend who just wanted to snoop and find out about what was going on in their day to day life???
I know I did, as well as my cousins and friends!
Image result for looking at someone's diary
Turn my adoption experience into a diary that I probably would have written into one if I knew about it when I was growing up.

Image result for dear diary and pen images

My life's diary was compromised by deceit from family. Although I never wrote it, it was read without me knowing about being adopted. 

Because everyone knew except me, my life's diary was already read by the individuals that claimed to be trustworthy to me: Just like a personal diary being found and read by a "trusting" individual

"Adopted into Deceit: Diary of the Decepted"

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