Thank you

This blog is dedicated to those individuals who chose me to be a part of their family. I thank them for making it possible for the memories to write this blog. I commend them for creating the memories that gave me the strength to express myself through writing. Most of all, I am grateful to be able to share my experience with my readers.

Without my past, there would be nothing to share

To my children:
You are my loved ones, my babies. You are the three best blessings that God could have given me. I love you and am thankful for your support and shoulders through everything

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Generational Curse

Generational Curses are not from Genetics!

GENEtics are DNA based
GENErational curses are EDU based

Growing up in my adoptee parents home, gave me the education that carried into my own blood (metaphorically speaking). My adoptee mother always called our family dysfunction of rumors, disloyalty, lies and DECEIT a "GENERATIONAL CURSE". But it was always someone besides her or my adoptee father's fault, at least in their eyes.

It's sad to say that the curse still carries on with my children today.  My oldest was my ride or die.  We were never apart. Now that she is an adult, we are separated like a divorce per say.  It was the same for my adoptee father and myself,  once inseparable only to become enemies.
And now just like my adopters,  I have fallen into almost the same web with my own children.  I'm not sure, but coincidentally I have two girls and one boy. My son is in the middle just like my adopters sibling setup.
Could that be part of the curse?  Who knows.

My son has decided to venture away as his mother's protector because of his lies and deceitfulness like his uncle,  my adoptees' son.  My youngest daughter is free spirited young lady who is crying out for answers to a dysfunctional family just as her mother did, ME.  And my oldest daughter is in her own world, enjoying her career,  relationship, and having a nonchalant attitude towards reaching out as an older sibling should to her sister who is lost,  like her aunt,  my adoptees' foster daughter.

With all that being said,  I think I've answered my own question about acknowledging the "GENERATIONAL CURSE" being passed through the adopted blood stream into my blood by my adopters.

Now my challenge is how to stop it from continuing to cycle into my children's children and so on.  For this curse is not of true blood,  so therefore it must be contaminated and destroyed.

I know that we are responsible for our own actions and the things we can prevent and/fix.

I am challenged by fixing this continued "GENERATIONAL CURSE" with my own children.

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